Franklin Square Elementary Middle School Wins Boy's Lacrosse Championship
Franklin Square Elementary Middle School won the elementary/middle school Baltimore City Publlc Schools Championship. The game was...

Mr Maury Dickson, CristataCares Mentor and Guest Speaker Shares His "Gut Bucket" or "
Maury Dickson plays a three string guitar that he has made, the guitar is a classic blues guitar that gained popularity in the early 1900's.

Guest Speaker: Mr David Jaffa shares his story on work, vision, and goal settinga with students at
Mr David Jaffa a CristataCares supporter and mentor shares his story with students at Franklin Square Elementary Middle School. Mr. ...

CristataCares Announces a New Football Combine in Baltimore City!!
We are very pleased to announce that after three years we are brining back our free "Baltimore City Football Combine." Fellow...