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Investment Club at Patterson High Posts Their Grades and Attendance Records

We are extremely proud to announce that this quarter end in November that our "Grades Attendance Incentive Program" or "GAIP" was another incredible success. We had two students who acheived straight A's and perfect attendance and two other students had all A's and one "B" on their report card. Attendance for the group averaged above 90% for all participating students. The cash prizes were as high as $95.00 with a potential match pending the student's interest in deferral of the award until graduation. 100% of the award winners elected to defer their award by participating in the added incentive. We are very grateful to the students in their hard work and to Ms. Kelley Bagdasarian, Mr. Vance Benton, and Ms. Loretta Kavanaugh in taking the time, work, and commitment in seeing the best for the students. We encourage our followers to share the success with our award winners, they should not only be commended by congratulated on an incredible job of working hard as they prepare to chase their dreams!!! Thanks to our supporters, donors, followers, and CristataCares teams members who have shared their time, resources, and experience in helping students, teachers, administrators, schools, and communities throughout Baltimore. This is truly great news!!!

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