It was another busy week for CristataCares!!!
Our course and work schedule for Fall 2016 school year has started has commenced as we work with schools throughout Baltimore. Our programs range from a brand new technology application based learning model "CodeBaltmore" produced, developed, and led by Mr. Ian Han. We are working with a new high school Frederick Douglass High School under the leadership of Dr. Kirk Crawley. Our Students at Franklin Square Elementary Middle School installed an investment club, while learning about entrepreneurship, technology, investment savings, and finance. We are in our fifth year of working with students at Patterson High School and Vivien T. Thomas Medical Arts Academy. We are in our second year of working with students at the Howard County Applications and Research Lab School in a joint entrepreneurial program with partner school Patterson High.
Our programs vary from and a grade and attendance incentive program to mobile technology innovation. This would not be possible without the support of our friends of CristataCares. We are very grateful and pleased as we continue in our work that is expanding throughout Baltimore in helping to broaden and enrich a student's experience.
We are very grateful to Kelley Bagdasarian, Dr. Kirk Crawley, Ian Han, Loretta Kavanaugh, James Peters, Dr. Joy Nanda, and Ms. Elizabeth Simms. Without the parents, schools, administrators, teachers, students, and community support this would not be possible. We are also very grateful to our benefactors and supporters who have financially supported our program. Cristata Investment, Emerge Ventures, Jonathan Ogden Foundation, Mr Matthew Wyskiel, Mr. Matthew Hanna, UMB, CSFB, Next One UP, and Johns Hopkins University. Thank you in helping us as we continue in our never ending pursuit of helping to build a better tomorrow.
CristataCares thanks you with our board, work, schools, partners, and financial sponsors this would not be possible!!! We are off to another record setting year because of your support! Thank you.