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Students receive their checks for Grades and Attendance, 2nd quarter report card.

We are pleased to announce that our 4th cohort of students at Patterson High who participated in our grades and attendance cash incentive program received their checks for the second quarter. Miguelina L. is our CristataCares Scholar for the quarter, she had straight A's and perfect attendance. Please offer your congratulations to each of the students on doing fine work!! CristataCares has given out over $1,500.00 to students who have earned cash for grades and attendance since our pilot program in Fall 2014. We are very grateful to our donors who have generously given their resources to help others!! Thank you.

Mr. Jonathan Bradley, Cristata Cares, presents an check to Miguelina L. our CristataCares Scholar of the quarter. Students recieved checks ranging from $43.00 to $200.00 for the quarter.

Miguelina, Vigueur, and Wanda share their story with the new cohort group of students expressing that hard work, persistence, and determination will lead to success. Miguelina CristataCares scholar has received consecutive straight A's for both quarters. All student award winners had acheived a minimum of 90% attendance rates. Nice work!!

Thank you Ms. Kelley Bagdsarian fellow board member and Patterson High our partner school.

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